I’m a 14/48 Virgin!

The theatre is extremely quiet compared to last night as the directors are studying their plays. The stage is dark and some of the directors are walking around the space using their imagination. The directors have one hour to overlook their scripts and start planning before rehearsals start. I wonder …what are their thought processes? An empty glass has been raised! Already in the am! This means one thing…a virgin needs to refill it with the keg. The Sean and Judy bags are staring at me from the stage and the room. Everything so far has caught my interest, it feels like I’m in a small creative bubble surrounded by talent – I love it!
I feel the excitement for the actors as they are waiting for their names to be pulled out of the bags…what plays will they be in? Who are will be their director? Everybody is still wooping and cheering, the energy is infectious!
And they’re off! There are two groups that have stayed behind in the theatre for their script read through and there are others in the bar area. The design team are currently making a HUGE list of props and the musicians are also setting up on their platform. Aside from the participators, the artist liaisons are at their table organising wonderfully! It’s really interesting to observe the different discussions happening for the various areas in the festival. Ooo..a musician has just arrived on his scooter! The creativity keeps surprising me!

from 14/48 Leicester » Blog http://ift.tt/1cf46hU