SENSORY Takeover

14/48 UK and Attenborough Arts Centre, are thrilled to have collaborated to develop 3 new immersive, multi-sensory theatre pieces with young people in 3 special schools in Leicestershire with funding from Arts Council England.

Here’s a short documentary film which details the process of the project:

Don’t forget to download our sensory activity resource pack so that you can fully enjoy the sensory experience in your own home.

We also have a BSL interpreted version of each play – click here for the playlist.

As part of the Paul Hamlyn Funded SENsory Atelier project, 14/48 SENSORY Takeover developed the skills of 23 artists in multi-sensory theatre making, giving young people in 3 SEND settings the creative control over 3 new performance pieces, and sharing multi-sensory performance with disabled young people and those with Special Educational Needs in schools, partner venues and their own homes.